23 December 2005


Here’s a picture on the drive home from Bishop that I took with my new camera which I infact bought in Bishop.
Bishop is a pretty shitty place. Tim and I spent the whole day there and by the end of it, we just wanted to get out of there. Most the people were rude and didn’t want to help whatsoever. It was a hole of a place.
I bought my camera at a specialized camera store. I thought they’d have a good selection. I asked to look at the digital cameras and they only had 3. Lucky one of them was okay but how can a camera store have 3 bloody digital cameras. Idiots!!!
Nice picture anyway! lol

We thought we’d get really drunk that night. It was insane!! Great night.
Here are a couple of pictures. One random one and one of the vodka watermelon. We poured 1.75L of vodka into the watermelon over a few days and then cut it up. It was $10 vodka so it wasn’t the best stuff. But it tasted quite nice. I ate a lot of it. I felt extremely sick the next day.


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